Frequently Asked Question

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Last Updated 4 months ago

W4D Questions and Answers

1-How to delete wrong posted payment ?
A: Please go to payments screen, double click on the customer line, then go to payments history, right click on the payment you want to delete, and then select Revoke selected payment, click yes, type reason for the revoke and finally click Revoke.

2-How I sort a column on grid view?
A: Just click on column header, once ascending, second click descending

3-My report fonts too small, how I make it larger ?
A: We did our best to add most important or needed columns, there are many ways to make the report more readable
1-You can ignore some columns when you print report by right click and select grid view layout, uncheck unwanted columns
2- Use bigger size paper, also you have ability to change font size from printer icon after view.

4-How I use the program in multi computers?
A: You can use the program as multi user mode free of charge, see online video, while the program running, click on Help menu, the getting started.

5-How can I cancel a deal and delete the customer (sold vehicle's information)
A: First got to payments screen, revoke all payments except opening balance, and then you can cancel the deal from (sold vehicles page, select a vehicle, open it) folder icon, then click on Red X icon, confirm to cancel the deal.

6-How to hide unwanted columns on the report?
A: After view appropriate report, right click and select Grid view layout, uncheck unwanted columns, click OK, now click printer icon to save the layout

7-How to organize columns layout desire way?
A: After view appropriate report, if you want to hide any column, just right click and select Grid view layout, uncheck unwanted columns, click OK. then drag any column (from header) to left or right to wanted position, after you done, click printer icon to save the layout.

8-How to remove space from report columns?
A: After view appropriate report, right click on the grid, then select optimize grid view, finally click printer icon to save the layout.

9-How I cancel repossessed vehicle?
A: To cancel a repossession, go to the vehicles tab, click Add (top left), then type stock #, press enter on your keyboard, then click on price & more tab (on the bottom tabs), click cancel repo.

The vehicle should show on payments screen again.

12-How I do group my report by column?
A: After view appropriate report, just drag any column to the group area. not all reports allows grouping, also make sure you group by any acceptable value, for example: you can group by year or make, so on, doesn't make sense to group by stock no, as this number is unique

13-How to export report to excel file?
A: After view appropriate report, just right click and select export to CSV "comma-separated values" file, and then you can open the Excel and format columns (see Excel Help)

14-How to view certain records (filter) on a report?
A: After view appropriate report, click the box below column header, then either check required records, just do filter on any columns with values, for example: column year = 2010 and Make = BMW so on.

15-How I view only sold vehicle's information (sales screen)?
A: Go to sold vehicle's tab (on the right) select the vehicle, then click on view icon on sales type column

16-How I open/view/change sold vehicle's information (Just vehicle information)
A: Go to sold vehicle's tab, select the vehicle, then click on purple car icon.

17-How I add my own form to the program?
A: Most our forms universal and used in many states, if you can't find your form, please scan it and email it to us, and we will add for FREE, takes 5-10 working days.

18-Some screens like payment screen, asks too many questions before I execute the action?
A: We added those confirmations to protect your business and employees also to avoid mistakes

26-What is Auto backup on setup screen?
A: if checked the program will back up your database file every time you close the program.

27-Why do I need to enable master password in multi user mode or when I access my inventory from home?
A: We recommend to enable master password in all modes to protect your data and customers privacy.

28-How I protect my data on my computer?
A: The database itself encrypted and there is no way, no one can access it without using wheels4deals program, the only way to protect your data is to enable master password.

29-I got a new computer, how I do transfer/copy my wheels4deals program with my data to this new computer?
A: There are many ways: In both ways you will need external drive or any USB disk drive
Method 1- As easy as transferring/copying any other folder to another computer, just close the program and db server (if running) first, then copy C:\W4D folder to USB flash memory drive, or any external drive, then move this USB drive to the new computer and then copy above folder from USB to the new computer to C:\ drive, open folder called (C:\W4D) in your new computer and run program called W4D.exe (also you can right click on it and send shortcut to desktop). You will need to register the program on this new computer, above steps work 99% of the time.
Important Note: please do not paste to my documents folder.
Method 2-While the program is running, click on administration menu, then click on (Make a backup copy of W4D program) , select your USB or external drive letter. wait till all files copied to USB drive. now move the USB disk to the new computer and run program called MyMover.exe (should be on top-level USB drive letter), for example X:\MyMover.exe (see online video)
Method 3- on same menu use one click transfer to another computer.

30-My program was working yesterday without issue, but today I'm getting error DB server not found, why ?
A: Using (DHCP) dynamically assigned IP addresses is not recommended because these addresses may change and render the program unusable. To avoid this situation, you should assign a static IP address to the DB server machine only.
The computer (where the DB server is running) may picked new IP address, this means when you turn on/off your computer or even the router, your computer may picked new IP address different than what you had before, in this case other computers still looking to the old IP address. all you need correct wheels4deals clients "other computers" to point to the new IP address where the server is running "main computer"

31-How do I edit a sold vehicle's information ?
A: To edit sold vehicle's information, go to sold vehicle's tab (on the right) select the vehicle, then click on Open icon.

32-How do I edit a active vehicle's information ?
A: To edit active vehicle's information, go to active vehicle's tab (on the right) select the vehicle, then click on Open icon.

33-How do I delete a vehicle from my inventory?
A: If the vehicle not sold yet, you can delete from vehicle screen,
Note: You can't delete sold vehicle, if you want to delete it, then you must cancel the deal first, if there are payments for this deal, you have to revoke all payments first
Steps to delete sold vehicle 1-Revoke all payments for that deal, 2-Cancel the deal, 3-Delete the vehicle.

34-How can I print payments schedule for previously sold vehicle ?
A: Go to sold vehicles list, select the vehicle, click Open icon, then click on print payment schedule icon, from there you can print hard copy or screen view.

35-I sold a lot of vehicles, but I see only some of them on sold vehicles list, why? and how I see all of them again?
A: By default the program shows vehicles sold within last 6 months, if you want to see all, just right click on the sold vehicle list, and select view all sold vehicles
Note: sold vehicles list is quick view and access, also you can view all sold vehicles from reports.

36-We paid for the software, but still we are getting only 100 vehicles allowed message on demo version, why ?
A: This message shows only if you have demo version installed, to fix this issue you have to install FULL paid version, please check your email (sent after you purchased the program) , there is instruction on how you install the full version.
Important note: DO NOT UNINSTALL the program if you have valid and real data, just install the full version over. re-installation will not affect your data files, only program files will be replaced with paid version.

37-I have 4 computers, 2 of them shows message only 100 vehicles allowed message on demo version, why ?
A: Please see #36, you need to install FULL paid version and register each computer (unlock the program from Help and More)

38-How can we delete a vehicle information from active inventory (the vehicle not sold yet) ?
A: Just go to active vehicles list, click open icon, or from dashboard click vehicle screen (add/edit), find the vehicle, finally click on tag icon, last icon from top, and select delete vehicle.

39-How can I add cost or repair to vehicle ?
A: Open vehicle screen either from select it from active or sold vehicles list, or from Active vehicle screen tab , then click accessories tab (You must select vehicles first), then click new cost (1), if you want to add this repair to total cost, check box add as expense. finally click save

40-I have a customer who wants to change from biweekly to weekly payments is there a way to change that in the system (change deal)?
A: Yes you can, just go to sold vehicles tab, select and open it then modify the deal, select the customer and vehicle you want to change, change what you want and click save. You may need to re print sales contact as some values will change.

41: When I try to sell a vehicle my taxes incorrect, what I need to fix it.
A: Please go to setup screen, first make sure you have correct state in your address, then click taxes and make sure you select appropriate tax model from dropdown box, and check, fix taxes and fees, finally click save

42-How I print sales forms like bill of sale?
A: After you sell a vehicle, you see a screen to print forms, if you don't see it, something not right , check your data and click save again.
If you want to print previously sold vehicles, just got to sold vehicles tab, click view icon, then click printer icon

43-How to change my bill of sale or/and other forms.
A: click on administration menu, then click on forms setup, then check the box on the left and click save.

44-How I do repossess a vehicle?
A: To repossess a vehicle , click on dashboard, then click on payments tab, select desired customer-vehicle from the list, click on (repossess vehicle icon on the top), entered values, print repossess form, and click process

45-Few customers' late fee not showing? why and how to fix it?
A: When you see a vehicle you have option to charge late fee, if that value left ZERO the late fee doesn't show up. To show late fee, go to dashboard, Sell vehicle, and modify the deal, put value on late charge fee, and late days, finally save it (You will need to reprint legal forms and let customer sign it).

46-Why I received message asking me to re-register for something already paid ?
A: You see this message when MS windows applies major updates or upgraded, if you don't re-register you won't be able to get those free updates.

47-How I correct my state in my address?
A: The program registered by dealer name, city and state, to change the city you must provide us city/state documentation shows same business (dealer) changed the city, usually when business moves to another city, they close old account and they open new business account on the new city, we need that kind paper work. for example, if you open another dealer in another city even with same name, that counts as new license, and you have to pay for it, but if you moved the dealer to another city we will need documentation.

48-I moved the program (C:\W4D) folder to another computer, but now asking me to re-register, why ?
A: For your business and customers protection you have to re-register the program on every new computer

49-How I move my program to my new computer?
A; For single users only: you can copy complete program and databases to another computer using removable USB drive, open the program, then click help & more, select Make a copy of W4D program, select your external drive, and then take this external USB drive and hock it up in your new computer, copy the folder called X:\W4D (where X is your removable drive) to your local disk C:\ Drive on the new computer, and finally you can create a shortcut on your desktop for C:\W4D\W4D.exe program , make sure you unlock the program using same unlocking method when you purchased the software.

Or watch online video on how you copy the program from one computer to another (see help & more, getting started)
If you don't have the email, let us know, we will charge $25 as service fee to re-create the email with new key.

51-Can I access my inventory from internet using browser ?
A: No, this is standalone application installed locally, your inventory saved in your local computer where full or server only installed, However, if you have enough knowledge with networking, firewall you be able to access your inventory if you enable multi users mode. see help & more then getting started.

52-I need to keep a copy of the program in safe place, or do a full backup of the program , how I do that?
A: The best way to make a backup is to transfer program folder to USB flash memory stick (removable drive) , click help & more, and then click on Make a copy of the program from server side (where full version installed, not client's computer), then select USB drive and click OK. you can do everyday and overwrite all files.

53-How I export report data to Excel file?
A: The program has option to export to CSV (comma-separated values) and then you can open it with Excel and format columns as you wish, to do just open the report, then right click, and select export to CSV file.

54-Where are my all sold vehicles? I see some of them but not all
A: The program by default shows all vehicles sold within last 6 months, to see all of them, just click on the pencil icon on the top then select show all.

55-How to add/change program security?
A: from the administration menu, click master login, type new password.

56-I downloaded VINDecoder and installed, but still I'm getting (Not valid vehicle identification number (VIN)) I know for sure valid VIN, what is the issue?
A: Please check your antivirus and make sure you didn't block the program from running or deleted by antivirus, to test it, disable your antivirus for 15 minutes, download VIN decoder again and test it, should work just fine.

57-We have Norton antivirus and internet security install can you help us to setup multi user?
A: No, we don't support and third party tools or configuration even if you are using our software. However, we can help you for FREE only if you are using Microsoft firewall or antivirus.

60: Is there a way to add static message to window sticker (last box)?
A: yes you can, go to windows explorer, find C:\W4D\ and then create text file called stickernote.txt and add your own custom message up to 500 character.

61: What is that square box shows in windows sticker and how used?
A: That is a barcode for cell phone users, allows then to access CarFax history report just by scanning that code, cell phone must have ability to read bar codes and has compatible software installed. (Customer's responsibility to pay for the report fee if they want to see full report)

62-How I move my inventory with me wherever I go?
There are three ways to do accomplish this
1-Install it in laptop and move it with you, even you can use your laptop as server for multi users when you back to office
2-Use Client\Server (Requires router firewall changes and static IP addresses internal & external)
3-Copy installed program to USB external Hard Drive and save all you data into external drive, and move it with you, for your business protection , this option requires registration every time you connect the HD to another computer

63-How will I close an accounts that never paid or were a total lost?
A: You can close the account from payments tab, select the customer-vehicle, click on adjustment icon (second from left), then Mark the account close.

64-If a customer is paying their account early, how do I give them a discount?
A: After you find the customer on payment tab, click on adjustment icon, then select Balance adjustment, type the amount in negative like -100 and save.

65-How I close an account for a customer that returned the vehicle for some reason?
A: if just full refund (no payments made yet), you can cancel the deal from sold vehicle tab, or you can do through adjustment by selecting the customer on payments tab, click adjustment icon, , or delete all payments first, then cancel the deal as first option.

66- I don't see one of my state forms on the list, if I send it to you can you add it to my forms?
A: Yes we will add them for free.

70-Printer icon not showing on default forms, how I print them ?
A: Default forms for view only to show you how those forms look like, you can print them from related screen with filled in data. For example you can print deal forms from sold vehicles screen.

71-After update my program deleted and I can't open it, why?
A: Looks your internet security program like (Norton) deleted updated while applying temporally updated file. Please contact us.

73-How I report bug or a problem or need help?
A: Please click on help menu, then click support center, open new ticket and we do our best to answer your questions or fix any problem you have that relates to our program only.

74-Do you charge if I report a bug or issue relates to the program only?
A: No, all fixes on the program are free, you must use ticking system as described above.

75-Where I can find sales RECAP to see profit , expense for single vehicle
A: The form called Dealer_reference.rp4, just add it to selected forms on Default forms, and you can see it on sales screen print out.

76-When I print I get error No Paper
A: This is not program issue, just go to printer settings and select correct paper source (you should select correct tray), click save or OK, and then try to print (some drivers does not work with auto select).

77-While I was working I got error message 1101 The connection to the server at xx.xx.xx.xx has been lost, why?
The error is clear, means lost the connection to the DB server.
1-Make sure the DB server is running on the main computer (The Server), also make sure the computer is ON.
2-Make sure no one changed the firewall settings. (you can turn it off for testing)
3-Make sure your office router ON and working.
After you fixed the issue, restart the program.

78-Database Error #1107 The session ID xx is no longer present on the server, why?
A: Please see above

79-Does wheels4deals software print 1099 forms
A: Sorry, no. our software designed for BHPH for used vehicles.

81-My customer paying a certain net sales price (Fixed Sales Price) that includes everything , fees and taxes, for example, he want to pay just $3000 (how the program calculate fees and taxes and give us sale price) ?

A: Go to the sales screen (as you sell a vehicle), add fees only, then click Rollback icon, on the new payment just enter 3000 and click OK. You may need to adjust +/- till you get correct figures, also use adjustment to make it right.

82-How to re-open closed account?
You can re-open any closed account by going to payments tab, select customer and then select last payment, right click, revoke payment.

83-We had 2 computers working independently (not within multi user mode), how we merge or move data to one inventory?

A: Unfortunately, that is not an easy task and costly, each record has a unique ID for each data file, there is a lot of work involve programmatically and may take days to do, so the easy way is just reenter data from one computer to another.

84-I’m trying to configure the program for multi user, but I cannot find W4DServer.exe as showing on the video, where is it?
A: Either you are looking on Client only installed, or W4DServer.exe deleted from that computer, if not Client only computer, please close the program, then reinstall the software from original email only (when you purchased the software)

85-How do I change back up from and internal drive to external one?
A: Simply go to setup screen, and then click on other defaults tab, and change backup folder to external drive, save it. "make sure the external drive connected before the backup starts"

86-How do I change my dealer name and city?
A: Our software licensed by dealer name, city and state, you have one time free name change within same city and state, you must provide legal document proves there is name change within same city, otherwise you have to pay for a new license. you can use same inventory.

87-I’m trying to get latest version, but the update not working, still I see my old version. Why?
Please check your router's security settings, make sure you allow ActiveX.

88-how I can install the software on my new computer or another computer ?
A: The full version download link located in the email we sent when you purchased the license, with subject line "DO NOT DELETE" in it, open the email on the new computer, then click on the link to install it.

89- I cannot save or post any payment
A: Please check date time in your computer, also check date format in windows control panel regional settings.

90- For some reason I am no longer showing any of new added cars we have made in the last few weeks. how do I get my current data?

A: By default all data saved on C:\W4D\datafiles , unless someone selected wrong data files folder,  click on file menu on the program, then click on database settings , make sure you have correct and current datafiles on Local (single User) on database folder, 

If you are using multi user, make sure you have correct and current C:\W4D\datafiles where the server is running.

100-How to allow W4D Server on the firewall?
A: Click here to > see attached pdf file  on how allow it

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